Saturday, February 21, 2009

Morning Walks

It's amazing how morning walks elevate me beyond the crush of the world. I know people always say that when you have too much to do, exercise... but for me, that's counter intuitive. It feels like I should just work harder and faster to catch up... but then my body forces me out the door and the next thing I know, I am full of energy and much more peaceful. Now, given the fact that I meditate for an hour a day already, one would think that I would be peace-d out all the time. But I'm not. My life is intense-- and yes, I make it that way. I have a lot to give and despite what any one might say, I am not going to reincarnate for another round... I'm getting it all in this time. That's why I plan to live to 165, by then I figure, I'll have it all done...

Do you remember that movie "Micheal" with John Travolta as the archangel? I am like that sometimes... dumping sugar on my already frosted cereal... I revel in each and every human emotion. I wring them out for whatever they are worth because someday, after I'm 165, I will forgo all of that and be chill.

On my walks, I listen to Kathy Smith. Not because I need her to tell me how to walk, but I need that musical beat to keep me on track or I find that I have stopped somewhere and I am staring at a beautiful tree that has just burst it's buds... or a neighbor has rearranged their yard and it's breath-taking. The music keeps my feet moving so my mind will stop thinking. The muscles pump out all that stored tension and my stride lengthens and soon I am loping along with my thoughts floating across my mind like clouds on a windy day, just color and shadows.

Right about then, I'm feeling the love. My heart begins to glow golden green and I smile taking such pleasure in my body and the beautiful earth... I let that love shower out onto the people and homes that I pass and I bless each one. I wish for each person in my neighborhood peace, love and joy. I wish them prosperity and whatever riches they may desire. My thoughts extend out to my family and friends and I hold each in my heart for a moment to wish with them their heart's deepest desires and my thoughts fly higher. Pretty soon, my whole neighborhood and town has been blanketed by love and I envision the world tenderly cradled in my heart. That beautiful blue planet that is so very precious to me....

And then I'm back in my front yard, and I know I live a blessed life.... all because I take morning walks.


Michele Bilyeu said...

Oh, dear Genia! What an absolutely eloquent and lovely post! I am so touched by your words and your kind comments on my own blog. You might like to know that Kathy Smith was the childhood best friend of my adulthood best friend. My friend was killed in a tragic accident almost 12 years ago..along with her 12 year old own daughter's best friend since birth. Life brings many challenges and lessons but it also brings great beauty and and the ability to share and to give. Music, love, life and all of creation and creating bring us all together and into the circles and the spirals of experience. How very nice to meet you and feel that connection :)

Kelly said...

ah, that makes me want to go for a walk!!!! Thanks Genia!!!