Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentime's Day

Yes, even though at this time of the year, the correct spelling is plastered on any and every flat surface in the classroom, we still say Valentimes in second grade. Just like we say Math Marbles for Math Marvels... That's how we roll in second grade....

At least we don't say, "I pledge of allegiance..." Ya gotta pick your battles...

On Monday, the kids were freaky about Valentine's Day. "Eeeuwww, Ms. Klein, I don't love anyone!!" was one of the first comments thrown out... followed by an amen... "GROSS!" Another shouts out from across the room, "I would never love a GIRL!" But a clarification is offered from the middle of the room, "Well, I mean I love my mom and dad but I don't love BOYS!!!" Which was followed up with 18 heads nodding in agreement. These were just a few of the comments I had to field during Calendar Math. I guess it's related... I mean 1+1 still equals 2... which can soon equal 3, 4 and more.... I debate for a moment. "Do I really want to go there?" I wonder... Yeah, I gotta do it.

"Guys, love is much bigger than boyfriends and girlfriends. I love my friends." (Giggles and eyes rolling are everywhere in the room.) "Do you think I love Mrs. Wedge or Mrs. Woodall like a boyfriend?" (Heads shake negatively.) "Is there anyone in here that does NOT know that I love them? (Heads shake negatively again.) "Do you think I love you like a boyfriend?" (More head shaking, Mike comes up to give me a hug.) "Thank you, sweetie. Of course, not! There are lots of kinds of love- especially for friends. It feels good to know that we are important to others."....

We're back to math... well, as much as they can be with the tantalizing thought that it might be okay to tell a friend that you like them....

Tuesday-- Calendar Math in the morning...
"Ms. Klein! Valentime's is in three days!" ... "Ms. Klein, what time will the party be?" ... "The party will be after specials on Friday but I want to remind you about something very important. I would never forget anyone's valentine. Imagine for just a minute how you would feel if I didn't give you a valentine.... I even bring extra in case something happens or I lose one. I would not want to hurt anyone's feelings even by accident." (Very sober eyes are looking at me, listening carefully-- the thought of not getting a valentine is a very scary at 7 and 8.) Please be sure that you double check your valentines on Thursday night to be sure that everyone gets one from you. We all know that some friends are more special to us that others. We don't love everyone the same, that's okay. But, we don't want someone to be sad because we were thoughtless or careless. Okay?" "Ms. Klein, I'm bringing High School musical valentimes." "I've got kitty valentimes." (Valentine comments are shared around the tables during the coloring of the cloudy weather rectangle.)

Wednesday focuses on the treats everyone is bringing-- will we ever get back to math?

Thursday more treats and sweets conversation as well as how hard it was to write your name on all those valentines...
THEM: "I double checked to make sure I had valentimes for everyone! Did you make sure you have one for me?" "Yes, I gave you the one with the..."
ME: "(sigh) Class, don't forget to do your yellow Lone Star math and the problem solver..."

Friday?!?? Well imagine a group of 17 live wires that are writhing around a telephone pole... that's my class... Oh, whatever-- it was everyone's class all down the hallway. Morning Duty was simply Riot Control...okay, well I use holographic stickers... not a billy club... same theory, however.

In the classroom, my table was overflowing with frosting-ladened cookies, candies, valentines and juice boxes. Oh wait, look... there is a bag of grapes! Ahh... and lots of chocolate for the teacher... okay maybe I can do this... and what?..... is that the smell of freshly baked cookies?? Look at how large they are! And they're still warm. I'm about to do the happy dance like the kids... A large warm heart-shaped sugar cookie... how will I wait until the party?

For a party day, I was very happy with all the academic tasks we accomplished. Of course, most everything was geared toward Valentine's Day which makes it easier to get learning into them on days like this. Even the dictionary skills lesson went well with "Valentine" as the Word of the Day. They were amazed that there were TWO definitions for the word! (I had to eat one of the cookies for snack.) We finally made it through the day, though I needed some Aerosmith while the kids were at specials to get pumped up for the final and most trying part of the day... the party. Oh, WHY did I have to choose the most complicated valentines to put together so it took me the entire 45 minutes to get everyone' valentine into their mailbags??? I got Krabby patties for my class this year. I felt it was appropo. (I try to not get cranky about parties, but the management is tricky with all those brain synapses popping all over... and there's always a parent there to supervise... me? I'm never quite sure..)

Ahh... but it went really well! We had fun... I love to watch my students. They were so excited to give out their valentines! They had to stop and share the valentine that they gave to their special friends and really, the whole room was filled with love! They double checked to make sure that everyone got a valentine from them. Brian was doing some math in his head to be sure that the extra he had left was the right amount if he gave everyone one... and ended up going from bag to bag to make sure that everyone DID get a valentine from him. It's all about the love...

Oh... and the sugar....can't forget the sugar.... there was so much of it, how could I? So, when Reagan asked if we could dance I agreed until I realized that the music I have may not be completely appropriate for 2nd graders...but she wanted hip hop which is definitely worse than my music, so we ended up doing a conga line to AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long--- which is the best I could do on such short notice ... and really, they couldn't hear the lyrics much less understand them... (but I will bring in a Disney CD for emergencies like this).

"Oh, Ms. Klein! This was the best day EVER!" The hugs as we left each other for the weekend were really tight. My students are awesome... I love my job...

It's all about the love, baby. All about the love....That's the way we roll in second grade....

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