Monday, March 17, 2008

My Desire

So I walked into my classroom today, flipped on the lightswitch and was shocked to realize that I didn't have my Promethean board installed in my room. I have lived with the image of the board and the things that I will do with it all week and then... it wasn't there! I really wanted that board! I will plot a way to get a board or at least become so familiar with it and use it as often as is practical with the board in another teacher's room that when I actually do have it, I will use it with intention.
Really, it's not a big deal. Molly and I have hashed this out endlessly over Spring Break. I will get a Promethean board next year when I return from Ireland. My principal has already assured me that I will be the first person to get one next year and I know that she will do everything she can to get me one. The reality is, I would hate to move my students from my classroom every time another teacher wanted to use the Promethean board this year. I would also never ask my exchange partner to have to move the class when someone wants to use the board. It is better this way. Unless, of course, I could
get my own. Every teacher I spoke to in El Paso said that they are not sure that they could teach without it anymore. It's become that important to them. My principal was telling me that the superintendent of our district went to the technology supervisor to ask if the purchase of 4 of those Promethean boards really were a wise use of funds. WHAT!!!?! I could take them all to El Paso and we could walk through room
 after room and let them watch the teachers AND STUDENTS using the boards. My principal has a vision that our school could become a model school for early literacy. I am so on board with that thought! She really has the faculty that will bend backwards to make that vision a reality. We are DYNAMITE-- seriously folks, you want to meet some top notch teachers, you need to come to our school. We're on FIRE! This is going to happen and I am so glad I am here for the ride!
You know, I can teach with just a pencil and paper, but give me the tools I need and I can teach much better and my students will learn more. It drives me nuts when politicians say "We don't want to just throw money at this." Well, try me! Try my hardworking friends who use a significant portion of their paycheck to purchase supplies for their students and classrooms... Throw some money at education for once and THEN let's have this discussion that money doesn't solve problems. I'm pretty sure that politicians have a budget for colored paper and snacks, pet food and all sorts of other things. When was the last time a politician did not have the technology they needed for their speech? I don't have a laptop
 to take around with me to do my lesson plans on, but maybe I would actually do lesson plans if I had a laptop-- okay, well, that really stretches the possible but I could podcast from Ireland if I had a laptop and a video camera... I would do that!
Today before I left -- after tutoring and after After the Bell (gotta make some extra cash)-- I put up my glow-in-the-dark moon phases (that I purchased with my own money) up on the  wall over the word wall. (I'll pop a picture in here tomorrow.) I hope the kids enjoy it. I also put the tadpoles in the hall. They are big enough after Spring Break to really see so I thought I would invite the entire school to come by and watch the metamorphosis of the frog life cycle. But I know my colleagues; if they think they will interrupt my class they won't come by to see the tadpoles, whereas if they are out in the hallway for all to enjoy, more students will have an opportunity to see a live tadpole.... I hope. I've never watched the development of the frog so this is as exciting for me as it is for the kids. But I've a lot to think about, Eckert Tolle and Oprah have really thrown some things at me tonight that I need to mull over so until tomorow friends...

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Hi Genia!! Molly told me you are in the blog world and I had to comment to say Welcome!! I love love love this post, by the way! I love the way you think, how you are so fired up about the new boards, how you are so fired up about your super great school and the teachers that surround you...and about your job as a teacher. I feel inspired to step out in the world as a professional teacher! Way good job on the blog. :)