Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Morning has Broken

Marcos LOVES my cell phone. He'll stop at nothing to get it!

Well, morning breaks pretty early around here. Ryan is 10 months old and Marcos is 15 months and Jack, well, Jack is a little tornado and he's on the move from early light to dusk. Usually life gets started here around 5:30 am. That suits me just fine as I am an early riser but I think it is a bit harder for my daughters who prefer to stay up later and sleep in. They'll feel better when their kids are teenagers (or WILL they? heh, heh, heh). The thing about the babies though, is that even though they are awake and definitely don't want to stay in bed, they're pretty lowkey. They like to lounge on the couches, drink some milk and watch a little Noggin. As they waken a bit more then they're all about the breakfast! Ryan ate an entire serving of Quaker Oats with Strawberries today, 2 pieces of toast and 1 bottle of milk! And he still begged food from anyone who had any! Yikes, it must mean a growth spurt! After the big breakfast, it's usually time for Jack's Big Music Show. Now, for those of you who are not up on your children's television, Noggin and Nick Jr. really try to develop what they call their preschool programming. They even display their objectives before each show telling parents what their children will learn during passive watching. (OK! I am entitled to be a little ironic since my business is teaching, awright?!?) At any rate, they display their TEKS just like we do at real school (that's Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for those of you not in the education field-- or in Texas for that matter). And then children just soak up all that good education by mindlessly watching with no interpretation from anyone. But getting back to Jack's Big Music Show, it's funny to watch the babies during this particular show. They'll be busy with their parallel play and as soon as they hear the music, they'll all turn toward the television and start "dancing". The music will stop and they'll turn away from the tv and resume crawling or banging or whatever they find to do until... the music starts again. It's funny. Anyway, here's some shots of my past 2 mornings. I love it. I'm glad it's Spring Break-- even though my mind is spinning with ways to get a Promethean board in my classroom...

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