Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Latest Desire....

Ruben and his teacher, Ms. Herrera. (With the McDonald's in the background.)

Ruben's class

Ruben and his buds. Can you believe he's in second grade already???
I just got back from Ruben's second grade classroom. I read the Jalepeno Man as promised and they ALL loved it. Yes, they were amazed at how loud I get while reading that story. They want me to come back and read "Bubba, the Cowboy Prince". Ahh, yes, it was fun, and right after the after read aloud discussion, is when I fell in LOVE!!! All the classrooms in the Sgt. Roberto Iduarte elementary school has a Promethean board. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's an interactive whiteboard that is connected to the teachers laptop (YES!! Each teacher also has a laptop to take home!!!!!!) God help me, it takes so little to make me drool... but back to the Promethean board. It is also connected to the schoolwide video announcements. And when she is not using an activity premade in the archives (She showed me the Gallon man activity-- and for my vice-principal's inevitable question, it's TEKS 2.7b, Alan) she can access her computer's desktop from the board and go onto the web. The thing is, the kids get to use it by using a pen to pull away "covers" over the answers or use the tools to find the answer. Man, I really want one!! I REALLY, REALLY want one. I want one so bad, I might write another grant to get it installed in my classroom! She said that it takes a while to write your own activities but there is a very big archive that teachers can access with a large variety of activities in all the curricular areas. It's fairly easy, she said to modify existing ones which is what she most often does. Well, I didn't get any pictures of my new love but I did get pictures of Ruben, his teacher and his class.
I brought him McDonald's and ate lunch with him. Why, I ask you, why do they always want McDonald's? Why not a Quizno or Subway?? Heck, why not even a personal pan from Pizza Hut? No, it's always McDonalds... I'm going in to do a repeat performance for Mikey's class on Friday and I suppose I'll have to get McDonald's again. sigh The things we do for love! Oh, I had a whole posting planned to show you the morning routine here.... Let me wrap this one up and I'll get going on that one!

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