Sunday, March 16, 2008

Project Linus

Even though I got in last night at 9:30, it was difficult to fall asleep. It's almost like I was still buzzing from the road and I spent another restless night. All the same, one of the reasons I wanted to return home was to make it to the Project Linus chapter meeting in Round Rock. Last month the national organization (Project Linus) held a quilt drive. Here in Round Rock and Austin, several sewing shoppes raffled off a brand new sewing machine. Everyone who brought in a quilt to donate to Project Linus was given a chance in the raffle. It's our big quilt drive for the year and we had lots of quilts that needed to be labeled and washed, so it was important to me that I get there and help out. It doesn't take much effort to sew labels on the quilts but it does need to be done before the quilts are handed out, and I can do that. Before I went though, I had to purchase new thread and if I was going to get thread I may as well pick up some fabric for the Warm Wishes quilt I would like to finish by the next month's meeting. It is my goal this year that I donate one quilt a month. I know, one quilt is not much in the face of all the children who need one but it's the best I can ask of myself. 
I was able to finally give Diane the quilt my nieces and I made over the holidays. I am going to post it here so that Rheanna and Jessie know that I gave the quilt to Project Linus and soon it will be wrapped around a baby. Of course, I would be much happier to think that the blanket we made will never be needed to help comfort a child, but it seems the need grows more with each year. If you read this, please consider donating a quilt, afghan or money to a Project Linus chapter near you. Children need to know that people care about them, and having a blanket to snuggle under is oh, so comforting.  At any rate, after sewing labels for hours (and yes, the good news is that I will still have plenty of labels to sew on next month as well), I was still able to enjoy a long day visiting my parents and catching up my the DVR shows.
All in all, a very good day. Now, if I could only rearrange my closet to make a craft room so I don't need to clean up the quilt each time I begin working on it.... Ahh, that's the great thing about life-- there's always more to do.

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