Thursday, March 13, 2008

Being Here

Today the intrepid travelers finally made their way to White Sands National Monument. It's about an hour and a half drive north from El Paso to White Sands. It was a beautiful drive. For the most part, the babies enjoyed the ride... Marco was a little fussy towards the end as we passed Holloman A.F.B. but otherwise. It was a startlingly beautiful day. The sky was almost cloudless. The road was smooth beneath the tires and the company was good. The mountains rose from the floor in variegated stripes and I tried a few times to imagine it all as it was billions of years ago covered by ocean. That exercise was much too difficult for I found myself coming back to the moment over and over-- almost involuntarily. It's easy to be present when the drive is good and the beauty is breathtaking.
At White Sands, I found myself not interested so much in the geography or science of a gypsum lake bed as I was captured by the blue sky and the yucca pods... the wind quietly weaving through the dune grasses... and the wonder of watching the boys playing in the biggest sandbox they've played in so far. Walking on sand is difficult, I learned as I watched Marco re-learn to walk on a shifting surface. I'm sure I learned that years ago but I had completely forgotten until I watched him grow in confidence as he wandered farther and farther afield from his mommy. Jack endlessly filled the bucket and then dumped it out and filled it again until he discovered the joy of discovering what lay beyond this sand dune... and the next... and the one after. And Ryan, well Ryan, was just happy to be with us and he crawled from one to another sharing his happiness.
I laid on the cool sand and looked up into an impossibly blue sky and felt peace steal over me and joy fill my heart. I guess that's why there are deserts.

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