Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Can Somebody Stop This Train?

I am well aware that I have been a bit lax in the blogging area of my life. Spring Break was really relaxing, I guess. I had energy to sit down and type each night and lately, oh well, lately there has been a baby in my library (where the computer is) and those babies go to bed quite early. Well, all babies have returned to their homes and things have finally settled down BUT it was lovely when I had my little ones with me. Briefly, to catch you up on life, everyone came from El Paso for Easter. We had a wonderful time. I took off a few days and took the big boys to the Space Center in Houston then we had family pictures taken, I have an interview for the District Teacher of the Year coming up next week (yes, I'm one of THREE finalists!!! How did THAT happen?), I am writing for a grant to get equipment to podcast from Ireland (because I am hoping to win the laptop as the district TOY), I've picked up another tutoring job and I've taken Promethean training because the first 4 Promethean boards have been installed at our school. There how's that? Oh, tomorrow Molly and I are going to ULTA to get some new make up, I've ordered new entryway furniture from Target because I can't stand my closet as it is presently, and I've committed to 3 days of training the teachers at my school in the science units I've been learning for the past 2 years, I'm applying to get a summer school job, and somehow, I'm supposed to quilt with Delta Kappa Gamma this weekend. Frankly, I don't think that's going to happen. I'm watching my daughter's dog again because she's off visiting the in-laws, my parents want to get rid of their cockatiel (that I gave them so I'm trying to find a new home for the bird) and my class is going to host a Bead For Life party the last week of April for Mother's Day gifts and I'm trying to develop lessons that will show them the needs of the world and how 2nd graders can help, AND let's not forget, I have GOT to get started on my NASA application! (I dreamt I was on the International Space Station for 6 weeks, by myself) and if I don't get my taxes done this week, I can forget about anything because I'll be in jail for income tax evasion. . . At least then I would have time to catch up with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah....
I will close this miserable litany until tomorrow when I blog about Easter,,, (and announce that I have finished my taxes...and have new makeup ... and maybe a dress-- no, I'm going with separates for versatility).

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