Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Easter Parade

Yep, I did it! I got the taxes done-- thank you, Turbo Tax! I got new makeup- actually a bit more than I had originally planned. . . but no separates. Kohl's was not in the picture for me tonight.

 Well, I did promise a blog about Easter so here it is...Yes, I
 actually know someone who's favorite holiday is Easter! I like Easter and everything, but I had never considered it as a contender for the BEST HOLIDAY. BUT, I did have a great time at
 Easter, as you can probably tell.

 Amanda, Jack and Ryan moved back to Central Texas. They are sharing time between me and the in-laws in Copperas Cove before they move permanently out to North Carolina to be with Chris. I do think that this was the first year for Jack to color eggs 
and although he's been on Easter Egg Hunts before, I think he "got it" this year. Melissa and the boys, followed a day later.
 and we had a wonderful week and a great Easter. 
My sister, Laura and her family came to the dinner at my mom's so there was quite a few people but more children than adults. That's good, I think. It just seems to me that holidays are richer with children. Sad to say though, the Easter Bunny did not bring Melissa and Amanda Easter baskets this year and although they didn't wail too loudly, I do believe they were muttering under their breath... Happy Easter!  
I actually went online today to see what the application for the NASA astronauts looked like. Good thing I did! It looks like I will just make the height requirement and I have to learn to swim. But since the application isn't due until June or July 15th, I should be okay. The thing is, I have to submit a resume-- no longer than 6 pages-- oh DARN!--but a computer will "score" the resume based on predetermined words. Real people don't actually read it. Yikes! Now I have to convince a COMPUTER to like my resume! I'm glad I'm starting now-- this could be tricky!

It's definitely bath time now and I need to sleep on this whole resume business. Tomorrow I'll post on the Space Center! 

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