Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, finally a relaxing weekend! Last weekend, I was furiously working on preparing for a teacher workshop that I was conducting on Monday and trying to make some graphs for our graphing unit in math. It was all very labor intensive and I spent a significant portion of my time in front of the laminator and the copy machine. It was a hectic weekend and I felt rushed throughout the entire week.

This weekend, it was much more relaxed. On Saturday, I went to a meeting with some inspirational teachers in the morning and in the afternoon I saw "I'm Not Afraid of the Dark" by Joe Scruggs and the Austin Ballet (two thumbs up by all of us!) at the Paramount downtown with my niece and nephew. In the evening, I spent some time with my parents. Mom and I went to Dillard's where they are closing out their housewares departments and I scored on some Fiesta-ware at half price! Mom even bought my birthday present there!!! But of course, I don't get it until my actual birthday-- which is fine with me, the anticipation is fun! And I rounded out the evening watching "VH1's Top 100 hits of the 80's". I had to watch it because I couldn't believe that there were actually 100 decent songs that came out of the entire decade but there were! I had a great time remembering good times "back in the day.."

Today, I actually got some things done around the house like painting the trim in my bedroom and cleaning the bathroom (yuck) but those things have to be done, I guess. I'm off to a dinner with my second grade team and then I'll come home and do lesson plans for next week. I really only have to plan for two days since two days will be taken up with reading assessments.... but nevertheless, it'll be planning time.

A very satisfying weekend, again... I think I must have the best life ever.

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