Thursday, January 22, 2009

School's Starting... and I'm not ready!!!

Well, you'd think that after a week full of workshops, and a day or two in the classroom, that I'd be ready to start the school year... Nah! I'm so far away from being ready it's a little frightening. I stayed at work today until 8:30 pm. Yesterday I stayed until 9:30pm and when you walk into the room, you'd never know that I've been there at all! At least I'm ready for Meet the Teacher Night-- almost. There's a few things that I still need to copy and assemble and I'll feel better when they are done. But how am I going to put all that stuff on the tables away when I don't know where I want it to go??? I need to be able to find these things this week and yet I'm running out of time to put them away properly!! (sigh) Apparently this is not the year I can complain about not having resources to teach with. Mr. Gagne has stacked a huge pile of books near the doorway and I don't normally use textbooks because they become outdated so fast! I'm feeling overwhelmed by our new math adoption. There's just so much to it which is good but you still have to find a place to keep it all,

I called my students yesterday.. well actually I spoke with some of their family members. You know what? It's going to be a great year! I can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow and what's messy will just be messy. There's more important things than cleaning.. although I'd hate for parents to think I'm disorganized...
Well, right after the 2nd grade teams science lessons tomorrow, I'll clean. It should be okay...

I hope!

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