Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ahhh... Labor Day

Yes, it's Monday and I'm not at work. Not like I don't have things to do there(!) but it's Labor Day and my family just left to return to El Paso. I intended to take a nap for it is my policy that on non-work days I take a nap. I personally believe that if more people took naps, our society would be less stressed out. My daughters scoff at my naps. They say that the 10 minutes I close my eyes does not constitute a nap. I disagree. Those 10 minutes are enough to make me grateful for the rest of the day and enough of a nap where I'm not sluggish but can return to the day ready for more.

I certainly had more this weekend. With one daughter and her family living in El Paso (an 8 hour drive if you're not a lead foot, nor a slowpoke) and the other daughter and her family at Fort Bragg in North Carolina (easily 18 hours), I don't feel like I get much family time anymore and I miss my boys. So, of course, when I found out that my daughter would be coming in for Labor Day, I knew that even though school had just started and there's a million things to do, I would be staying home to see how much my grandsons had grown. Rubencito brought his 1st place Karate trophy to show to me. Mikey spent a lot of time talking with his head on my shoulder how if he lived in Pflugerville again, he could be in my class because he's a big second grader now. And Marcos gave me kisses and snuggled in my lap after a few hours and I started to understand his baby talk. All too soon they were piled back in the car and I was waving goodbye. I was very proud of myself that I was not crying as they left this time when I noticed Rubencito's head bent over. When I knocked on the car window to wave, his teary face made my heart break and so no, I cried again this time. I remember back when I had my eldest daughter and I was pregnant with my second child. I was at my mother's one day when I blurted out, "How can I love another baby as much as I love Melissa?" After she realized that I was serious, my mother started to laugh so hard, she had to sit down. She told me then these words that I've never forgotten, "Love never divides, it only multiplies." And when I had my second child, I found her words to be true since I still loved my oldest daughter and found my second daughter to be equally as precious. After I had grandchildren, I realized that truly there is always enough love for each precious child that comes into my life.

I can't wait to return to school tomorrow!

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