Thursday, April 16, 2009

To have Cable or not to have Cable, that is the question

So as I was driving this past weekend, I came to a stunning, somewhat mind-blowing thought. Now, these things happen on a road trip which is why I truly need road trips periodically to keep everything fresh. Nothing works to clear out the mind's cobwebs like the wind rushing through your window as you drive on the open road.... (Okay, I'm going to need a moment here.)

I'm thinking of canceling my cable service. There, I said it! I would not use my t.v. It works great but it's old so it weighs a gazillion pounds and it has a big black hump on its back that contains... well, whatever it contains. like picture tubes and electrodes and other television stuff, but I can hardly pick it up to move it and I'm a strong woman... I wouldn't need it. And why, you might be wondering, would I be crazy enough to not watch tv? Well it all started last Tuesday. It was the premiere night of the second season of "Fringe". I was so excited that "Fringe" was returning that I jumped up and did the happy dance. Anyway, so I was all geared up to watch "Fringe". I got my snacks together and positioned myself in the most advantageous spot in the whole living room and went to turn on the tv. First, I had to get up to turn on the tv because since the boys have come and gone, I cannot seem to find the back of the remote control which means the batteries fall out, but that's really not a big deal. I'm old enough to remember when EVERYONE had to get up when they wanted to change the channel because there were NO remotes. Then my DVR started doing this weird thing- it would play for 45 seconds, then it woud shut off. I would get a message saying to "Please wait a moment" and then it would turn itself on and it would take 5 minutes to go through it's little checklist procedure. Then the show would be on for 30 seconds when the tv would shut off again. I will spare you the particulars, but I was not using proper English at this stage of the game.

All night that crazy machine repeated that routine until at 8:45 when I gave up the idea of watching "Fringe".

The next day I came home from school and googled "Fringe". Within 5 minutes I was deep into episode 115, "Inner Child" and nothing was shutting off and restarting itself. AND I found out about the codes-- did you know those pictures at the breaks were a code??? I do, now! So why, I ask you, do I have a tv? I do use it to watch DVDs, so I'll keep the tv but why am I paying so much for cable when I do not take the time to watch it. What did I miss in El Paso? My blog and FB not the tv.... so tomorrow I'm going to call the cable company and find out if I have to have cable to have internet access. If I don't, I'll be saving a nice chunk o' change. If I do have to have cable, I'm looking into At&T's U-verse...

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