Sunday, July 19, 2009

All I want to do....

I emailed a friend this morning, one I hadn't seen in ages. It was wonderful to get back in touch with her! But as I was giving her a brief synopsis of my life and family up until now, I mentioned this poor neglected blog and thought perhaps I should write something... anything. And too, I have been a little teary lately. Between having my period and getting ready to leave friends and family for 5 months, I suppose there's reasons. BUT if I would blog, then perhaps my heart wouldn't be so full that it needs to come out through my tear ducts... Although, I'm just grateful I got it now instead of in Edinburgh. I could just imagine myself walking about sobbing as I took pictures... yechh. I get very emotional at this time. I remember once crying at a stop light listening to a Buddy Holly song mourning that he died so young... Where is menopause when you want it?

I mentioned to Ada that my modus operendi for the past 10 years is to start school and have no time whatsoever to clean because there are always lessons to be planned and web surfing to be done and so I push off the cleaning business until the summer when I have more time ... but then summer comes and I usually teach summer school which, even though it's a half day, again demands preparation and then... well it's summer and I deserve some time off ... so I take road trips and next thing you know it's August and I'm back in the classroom getting ready for a new year and school starts and itsallablurforthenextninemonths but I'll clean during the summer when I have more time... and what a viscious cycle! FOR 10 YEARS!!! I have boxes in the garage that I didn't unpack when I moved in 10 years ago...

The hardest part of the cleaning is all that I'd LIKE to do. I'd like to install crown molding in the bedroom, but how bad do I want it? Enough to give up money that I might like to use on a once in a lifetime opportunity in Scotland? I think not. I wanted to lay flooring this summer (I have a mish-mash of painted cement floors, carpet, tile and linoleum now). Enough to give up a possible trip to Amsterdam for? Hmmm, probably not... A new fan for the office... a carpet for the livingroom... cabinets for the newly created craft room... a chic laundry room??? Yeah, none of that will happen this summer... for good reason. But, I guess that's also the joy of home ownership. There's always something I'd like to do to make my home more beautiful in my eyes... Yet, I do love to travel.... I'll have memories to savor as I go about selecting the perfect crown molding for the bedroom next year or that Craftsman-style ceiling fan I'll install when I get back-- IF I'm not maxed out on my credit!!! ;)

1 comment:

Katy said...

save your money for amsterdam for sure! you should also head to bruga if you can...adorable :) BUT you also need to save your money for a pup when you get back!!! :) :) :)