Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Lucky Day....

Those of you who know me, know that I can be incredibly perfectionistic. I hate it. It stops me from doing things because I always want to do them right, but sometimes you just have to do stuff and get it right later on... but I hate doing that.

Anyway, I've been working in the classroom trying to make it accessible for my exchange partner. You know, dragging stuff out of the closet so she can see what is available. Have a few bulletin boards up already so she won't spend her life in the classroom like I do... things like that BUT at the same time, not trying to lay it out so there is no room for her to come in and make it HER classroom... it's tricky. I spend a lot of time second guessing myself... and I know Lorraine is not going to care... I just really want her to love Windermere Primary School as much as I do.... but the Texas educational system is a harsh task master.... I just don't know. What if they no longer allow Fulbright Exchanges from Texas?

So what brought on these doomsday projections into the future? Well today, my principal waylaid me with a yardstick. (The foreboding music should be crescendo-ing right now...) There is to be NOTHING hung within 24 inches of the ceiling unless it's non-flammable. No curtains, nothing hanging from the ceiling... no pretty fabric to dress up the ugly paint. No microwaves, refrigerators and only one lamp allowed. I was absolutely struck dumb. How do I teach with nothing on the walls? No curtains to soften up the space and no lamps? Wasn't that a big part of the whole "Brain friendly" environment we are supposed to create for our students so the classroom is a warm loving space to grow and take risks in????

When I look at how much time and money I invest in my classroom each day/year and then somebody who has no idea of what I do each day comes in to make an arbitrary rule and cites "safety" as an excuse ... Please show me the data on how many students are injured each year because their teacher has things hanging up the walls and off the ceilings? C'mon, show me! BRING IT!

... I THOUGHT I was handling it well but apparently my poker face is not in working order so my principal felt compelled to take us out to lunch to make up for the bad news. That made me feel even more ridiculous....

I am trying to be gracious and amenable but I'm stressed --

I worked until 5:00 today taking everything down and repositioning it.... Then it started to rain so I left and bought a Lotto ticket. It's gotta be my lucky day.


Katy said...

shoot me! THAT is the stupidest rule i've ever heard. well i guess i'll be in my room even MORE this year taking stuff DOWN. i do NOT heart the safety inspectors!

Kelly said...

WTF!? no curtains and nothing hanging from the ceilings??? what are they trying to make our classrooms boring??? who are these "safety inspectors" anyway? what the hell do they know?that sucks....
but you got lunch, that's cool!

Genia said...

She's working on some things... you know she doesn't like these rules either... and she loves her curtains as well... We'll see....