Thursday, July 23, 2009

Da Website...

Well I continued work on the website tonight. I needed something that would settle me down and there's nothing like the endless fussing with a website that will calm you down and bore you silly. It's the sheer amount of detail necessary to make it look good and function well! Now, I'd LOVE to have a kickass website like Mrs. Bainbridge or Mrs. Meacham but honestly folks, I'm not sure that I have the stamina for that. This little piddly thing I got going is enough for me.

The site is actually up and live and I could sure use some feedback. If you look at it and you notice things that need to be fixed or MISSPELLINGS (!) puleeze let me know! I have two more sections to work on but I feel like a Bollywood movie right now so maybe I'll just take short break and live it up in the land of tons of eye makeup and belled ankle bracelets...

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