Sunday, March 22, 2009

Last Day of Spring Break

It's the last day of Spring Break. It's coincided with my Vernal Equinox reflections and the boys being gone.... A bit of a challenging day for me, I think.... so I decided or rather I have been thinking and contemplating that pleasure should be paramount today. I woke up with intentions of being frantically busy all day doing those things that I felt I had wanted done during Spring Break but upon reflection I have decided that I will best be served by taking it easy and doing those things that give me the greatest pleasure and comfort.

The boys were very sad when I left them with their mother in Ozona. My heart is still a bit heavy even though I know I will see them soon. It's the big eyes shying away from meeting my eyes when we say goodbye because they don't want to cry....

I had decided before Spring Break that I would get back on the Atkin's wagon after Spring Break. So this morning I got on the website to find some new recipes because that's what makes it so easy for me to "fall off that wagon" so to speak. Boredom with my meals. My sister and I discussed this at length before Christmas but I never did anything in regards to our discussion so this time, I will make more of an effort to change up the foods I eat. The first few days is the hardest coming off of the sugar/carbohydrate addiction and so I will treat myself kindly.This morning I made scrambled eggs with green onions from my winter garden along with tomato and chopped green pepper. In the spirit of Pioneer Woman, Orangette and Homesick Texan, I have photographed breakfast with my ever faithful digital camera.

Here are the ingredients I used....2 eggs, tomato, a green onion from my winter garden and green chilis

and not shown, grated monterey jack cheese, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.

Here was my final Spring Break breakfast... a great deal of pleasure for me...
An al fresco meal on my patio with my new Fiestaware plate and my gratitude journal... life is good.

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