Monday, July 19, 2010


Needle #1 slipped into the top of my left foot with a small, short sting and a rush of energy that swirled through my calf to my knee. Wow. That was completely unexpected (although I wasn't sure exactly what TO expect). Needle #2 went into the top of my right foot in the corresponding area but this time the energy swirled past my knee into my lower back. I felt as though I was elevated off the table cushioned by a pillow of air. A few more needles placed at key points on my body and I was flying. By the time my intern finished, I had 4 needles in my feet, 4 in my knees and four in the elbow area of my arm.... And I had the best head rush I have had in a very long time! The intern asked if I was comfortable then left me to lay quietly in the room listening to soft, chiming music and the buzzing of my body. I wish I knew I would feel this way earlier! I'd have thought up any reason for an appointment. After about 20 minutes, the needles were taken out and I was advised to start eating alkaline foods, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar twice a day, try 2 different herbal remedies and to come back in a week. OKAY! I sat in the car for about 5 minutes just to be sure that I was back in my body and that I could drive.

Suddenly, I feel very grateful that my allergies have escalated to the point where I felt I needed medical attention!


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